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About Malteser-Stahlwarenfabrik, Solingen

The name for quality !

MALTESER - Stahlwarenfabrik is a worldwide famous and family owned limited partnership company of the Solingen cutlery industry.
MALTESER is a specialized manufacturer of high-grade cutlery products such as manicure- and care-instruments, quality manicure-cases made of genuine leather and accessories for beauty and body care. MALTESER is also a supplier of assembly-scissors and -tweezers as well as commercial gifts.
MALTESER is the name for distinguished quality, quick delivery times, optimum value for money.
MALTESER provides its own sales force, modern sales displays, repair service and special designed products.
The brand name MALTESER is internationally registered and protected.

The Company in Solingen

Malteser-Stahlwarenfabrik was founded in 1926 at 'Malteser Street' in Solingen. Soon business developed successfully, so that in 1929 a move to the present headquarter on Beckmannstr. 7-9 was necessary. In year 1951 Malteser bought the premises and the company expanded again with a new office in the front-building. From 1984  EDP was installed to rationalize and standardize the processes in purchasing, sales and production. Since 1996 our Quality Management System is certified according DIN EN ISO 9001 which guarantees high and constant quality of our products and services and steady improvements. An environmental management was integrated from beginning.


Until today, the Bals-Family owned business takes care in special responsibility for quality principles and the total development of the enterprise. Management and property is in hand of  Rolf-Dieter and Peter Bals and there is personal communication with customers, suppliers and trusted stuff.


Malteser-Stahlwarenfabrik is a manufacturer of the famous Solingen Cutlery Industry, which looks back on a long history. The use of the name 'Solingen' is regulated and protected by law and the Solingen Chamber of Commerce holds the property rights for the brand 'Solingen'. Malteser supports these with engagements in 'Solingen Fond' and volunteering in the chamber. Malteser also is a member of the German Association for Cutlery and Flatware, 'IVSH'. The 'IVSH' has its office in Solingen, as well as the german museum for cutlery 'Deutsches Klingenmuseum' and the industrial museum 'LVR-Industriemuseum',  which underlines the importance of Solingen for the developement of the industrial area and tradition.


The Trade Mark Malteser

As manufacturer of Malteser branded articles we feel a special responsibility to our customers and consumers for the quality of our products and services. The  brand MALTESER was already registered in 1929. In year 1942 the brand name MALTESER was  internationally registered and protected.

Malteser's philosophy and services

We provide customer satisfaction:

Our aim is to offer and sell high quality instruments for manicure, pedicure and fine cutlery implements via specialized dealers in order to ensure all the requirements in terms of material, function, durability, product safety and environmental compatibility. The main focus of our work is on the satisfaction of the demanding consumer. MALTESER guarentees  functional quality and defines itself in various emotional uses for the consumer as a personal care tool for the improvement of a healthy and well-groomed appearance and the sense of personal wellness.

We do not sell mass-produced articles:

MALTESER represents customer service, flexible sales assortments and stands out from bulk producers within permanently changing market conditions. MALTESER's specific quality requirements, in respect of high-grade materials and perfect production, are above the Solingen standard, and make a major contribution to securing the location of Solingen.

We are quality conscious and environmentally aware:

Our responsible entrepreneurial effort constitutes a great contribution to the protection of mankind and his environment. The management has stipulated and passed clear guidelines in this respect which are realised within the framework of an integrated quality and environmental management system.

We are promoting the competence of the specialized dealer for all our sales in Germany and abroad:

MALTESER care instruments are sold in chemists and pharmacies, in medical suppliers and specialized shops such as department stores and perfumeries, cutlery and leathergoods shops, hairdressers and cosmetic salons.
Furthermore, we supply to the cosmetic and pedicure wholesalers, to the industry and the promotional gift business.


Willi Bals GmbH & Co.KG

Beckmannstr. 9

42659 Solingen


Tel. +49 212 46686

Fax +49 212 44004



Mo.- Do. von 08:00 - 16:00

Fr. von 08:00 - 15:00


Öffnungszeiten Werksverkauf

Mo.-Fr. 08:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Während der Betriebsferien geschlossen


Feiertage geschlossen


Abweichende Öffnungszeiten:

 3. u. 4 Oktober 2024 geschlossen






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